Visitor Information Center
112 South Street SE, Suite 200
Leesburg, VA 20175
800-752-6118 | 703-771-2170
Tournament Entry Information
Online Entry
To participate in the tournament, all teams must complete the online entry and submit an online payment using the 2025 Event Registration Page. Ultimately your registration in the tournament will be subject to approval by your state director.
The last day to register and pay is June 18th.
**This event is NOT pay at the plate**
USSSA has established a classification system to try to provide a consistent level of play for teams of varying experience and skill. In the interest of consistency with “C” level classifications, participation in this event is subject to approval by a team’s State Director as well as Glen Warholic, the "C" Eastern National Championships Tournament Director.
Teams are encouraged to seek this approval early, so as to avoid potential last minute acceptance or denial of entry into the event. Participation requires the team to be "C" eligible at the point of entry and maintain that eligibility through the “C” Eastern National Championships. USSSA reserves the right to reclassify teams as we see fit for the betterment of the program as a whole.
Early online entries are encouraged as there is a maximum number of teams that can be accepted for each age division.
All team rosters must be on the USSSA website and must be the one that was in effect when your state director approved your World Series entry. Any subsequent changes to your roster from that point is subject to state director approval and the “C” Eastern National Championships Tournament Director, otherwise your entry may be subject to withdrawal.
All players participating in USSSA Fastpitch youth tournaments shall have proof of age in possession of their team manager at all times. Proof of age must be verified by a government issued document that identifies the player by name, gender and birth date.
This is a stay to play event. That means that all teams requiring overnight accommodations must stay a minimum of 18 room nights within the room block of a partnering hotel. The hotel housing service for the event has negotiated the lowest possible rate at each property for our teams and made them all available to you in a one-stop-shopping website for your convenience. Click here for more information on event housing.
Stay to Play Event
This is a stay to play event.
That means that all teams requiring overnight accommodations must stay a minimum of 18 room nights within the room block of a partnering hotel. The hotel housing service for the event has negotiated the lowest possible rate at each property for our teams and made them all available to you in a one-stop-shopping website for your convenience. Click here for more information on event housing.
Cooler Policy
We are confident that a popular feature of the Eastern National Championships, will be that there are no cooler policies. In other words, aside from alcoholic beverages there will be no restrictions on the food or drink that teams bring to the park. However, teams will be responsible for supplying their own drinks in the dugout in order to keep properly hydrated throughout the event. We ask that you keep the coolers to a respectable size (i.e. no large fishing coolers) and please patronize our concessionaires.