
Visitor Information Center
112 South Street SE, Suite 200
Leesburg, VA 20175
800-752-6118 | 703-771-2170

Best Dog-Friendly Businesses in Loudoun

Loudoun welcomes millions of visitors yearly, many of which arrive with their furry friends in tow. With dog-friendly resorts, shops, restaurants, wineries and breweries, Loudoun has become a must-visit destination for dog owners. Here, we highlight just how Fido can enjoy a vacation in DC’s Wine…

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Celebrate Virginia Craft Beer Month in Loudoun

Ten years ago legislation passed in Richmond allowing farm breweries to begin operating in Virginia. Loudoun’s beer scene - already on the map with several urban breweries – exploded in the decade since. From small, family-run breweries on rural dirt roads to sprawling mountain-top taprooms and beer…

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Celebrate Father's Day in Loudoun

A DAY OFF FOR DAD I stopped celebrating my birthday years ago – who wants to be reminded that you’ve past the half century mark? – but Father’s Day is different. I love being reminded that I’m a dad, and it’s one of the few days of the year that comes with a license to relax. So, what’s my idea of…

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Tiny Tot Trails in Loudoun County

Have you been longing to take your toddler or preschooler on a hike, but aren’t sure how to get started? Fortunately, Loudoun County has you covered! Here are five mostly flat trails that vary in length from approximately 0.4 miles to 1.6 miles, but don’t be fooled by their brevity. Each one offers…

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